"And the days go by....
like a strand in the wind
In the web that is my own...
I begin again..."
Well, I've not written a bit of what is rambling through my head these days. I have come so far with so little to show for it; yet, I have done so much more than many I know. A tapestry of projects rumbles through my mind and I skip from one thing to another doing four things at once (all badly), but making progress every day.
It is time for my inner Stevie Nicks to set sail under the wings of the white bird that lifts her. Stevie has been a metaphor for my life for so many years and as she get more beautiful and talented every year; so, I declare, shall I.
Four projects: possibly 365-one for each day of 2011... The first is the house of the Goddess, Brugh Na Bhride, as I grandly call the magnificent Goddess of a house in which I live. This is the magickal setting I envisioned in Branwenn's Crystal Visions... She has four floors, each to correspond with the new four phases of womanhood. She has herb gardens, flower gardens, vegetables gardens, magick gardens and "homes" many people at various stages of development--both positive and not so positive.
Then, there is the traveling Goddess, Travels With Branwenn, once flourishing, now almost forgotten in stationary time waiting for freedom to return and knowing that caring for my Mother who cared for me for 19 years, is a gift from the Goddess to help me understand the stages of womanhood with which I work each day.
Thirdly is The Garden Witch, a place to be reborn into health and well-being. Nurtured by the dirt of Mother Earth to recapture vibrant health and energy to follow through on the gifts SHE has given me and the paths SHE wishes me to travel in the last two stages of my life, steps upon which I am just embarking. So many possibilities with my 1/4 acres of the abundance of the Goddess, as always the question, where do I start?
Fourth, but never last, is the Craft that I have developed to call my own brand of Wicca: Crystal Visions Celtic Wicca. Always corralling the experiences of my life into lessons and ideas to share with the learnings of others. I combine traditional Wicca with pan-Celtic mythology (Ireland, Wales, England, Scotland, Brittany, The Isle of Man, and other areas which are heavily influenced by Celtic ideas and mythology) plus Jungian and Campbell-ian psychology and even more mythology as we seek to co-create the living myths of our own lives and learn to flow with the seasons and spirit of our Mother Earth.
These four aspects of my Goddess-self, plus hundreds more, do I claim to create the wholeness that is my life of contemplation and action. As I pass my 55th birthday and head into the second half of my life, I affirm and proclaim my intention of bringing all aspects of my being in line with the energies of the Goddess. SHE who is comprised of all four elements crowned by love and spirit will be my motivation to fire up my life with progress and the recording of this progress by my writing, my classes and my actions. SO MOTE IT BE!! (Harming none...)
Wow I am so proud of you. Susan
I have had so many crazy things happening lately. Getting these two uplifting comments really made my day! Thank you Susan and Thank you Joy! I am not sure which friend named Joy you may be, but I love you and yours for the wonderful comment. Drop me a line at my Branwenn@aol.com address and let's chat. To Susan--my sister--I love you too as you know!
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