Thursday, October 04, 2007

On A Completely Different Subject--

  • In my bio, I mention I have several areas of personal interest. I am going to need more than one blog-maybe several-one for each of the many facets of me. Sounds a bit uppity, but then I am one of those wild, uppity women that Vicki Leon talks about in her three books from the wonderful series that started with Uppity Women of Medieval Times. I have decided to stop apologizing for this and to revel in it as one of the things that makes me the incredible female that I am. One of the mistakes I have made repeatedly in my life is to try to PLEASE everybody. That stops now. I am going to continue to try to be nice when I can, there's no sense in being mean just to be mean, but as of today, I will not back down from something I truly feel deeply in my heart just to make someone else happy.

Part of this incredibleness is complexity. I have myriad parts to that complexity:

  • I am Wiccan. I am a Wiccan Priestess who teaches at times and plans to use some of these blog entries to put together a Wicca 101 course which I hope to teach at the local Community College next year. I am a mercurial and free flowing spirit who circles beneath the full and the new moon and at the eight Sabbats.
    (Some of you are saying, “HUH?!?!” Others of you are smiling and nodding saying, “Right on sister!” to themselves. This is one area that my blogs will explore in detail.)
  • I live to travel. I live to be on the road. How I can do this is explored in more detail in another of my blogs. It is this that I have already started to address in my last post.
    (In typical Branwenn style, I have charged right in and then realized that I need structure to put this all together in a logical readable format—my Earth and Fire sides tend to pull me in two different directions.)
  • If I could live in the British Isles and Ireland, then I would be there right now. The point of all my traveling and teaching and all of my other endeavors is to get to the place where I can travel and write from a green glen in Scotland or Ireland in the summer time and from a beach in Florida or in the tropics in the winter time. I will be developing these ideas as we roll along through this year ahead.
  • I own, along with my wonderful husband Jamey, a huge, old house in the center of the Bible belt—making life sometimes interesting for me as such an out of the broom closet witch. We call our homestead “Brugh na Bhride” We have upstairs and downstairs renters, herbs, vegetables, animals, crafts, heavy remodeling and all sorts of Wiccan goodies and old-fashioned leanings to teach and talk about.
    (I could write for years and not run out of interesting things to talk to you about.)
  • And that’s only the tip of the iceburg---

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