Sunday, September 30, 2007

My Igo Ugo Page

One of the most interesting parts of my life is that I travel as often as I am able. I have been to: Iceland, Ireland, England, Scotland, France, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, the Bahamas, and all over the United States. I use different ways to score free travel perks like discounted or free lodging, dining and activities. First, I belong to every frequent flyer and rewards program that is out there. I will devote an entire post to strategies for acquiring the most reward points and using them wisely for the best benefits. Another way I am able to find free hotel rooms and fabulous free meals is by mystery shopping. Since I must keep my identity as a mystery shopper confidential or I can blow my cover and not be allowed to work for certain companies, I have to keep most of the details quiet. I specialize in hotel and fine dining shops and pick up other mystery shops in retail, banking, gas, fast food and others to supplement my income along the way of my travels. It doesn't pay for everything, but it sure does help out the bottom line. I spent two months in Orlando, Florida shopping this Mecca of vacation hotspots a few years ago. It was a wonderful way to spend what would have been a cold and icy winter. I came very close to breaking even with the combination of freebies and rewards points. In this picture, I combine two of my favorite activities--by cuddling with WB Yeats on a park bench in sunny Florida. Ireland and the British Isles are my favorite place to travel, so WB and I had a lot to catch up on.

PLEASE visit my IGoUGo Account at . Make sure to read the posts and tell me if you think they are good or bad or helpful. Thank You!

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