Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Today is the First DAY of my new Healthy Living Plan!

I thought a picture of me and Mom from this past May would be appropriate here so you can see me and Mom.
I have (triumphant fanfare trumpet music) conquered the first dreaded and dreadful (to be honest) day of my "new me" plan and I am proud to report that I got weighed and found out that I only gained back 5 pounds of the 30 I lost earlier this year. I also made it through the day yesterday without eating any gluten or dairy and mostly sugar free--perhaps a bit in the few raisins and Craisins in the "healthy breakfast bread recipe" that I found. I even eliminated the evil non-dairy flavored coffee creamer that I am also addicted to and switched to coconut milk coffee creamer. I picked up one "organic" soy creamer and one coconut creamer in the vanilla flavor--I will let you know which one turns out to be the best. So far, the coconut isn't bad. It's not the white death of the liquid, flavored non-dairy coffee creamers, but it doesn't make me want to run and spit it out like the old "natural" creamers did. I made a wonderful breakfast bread that is gluten free cinnamon raisin and added a bunch more healthy things to it. It is awesome. I am a carb addict and I have to have at least one slice of bread every day or I crave it like crazy and end up binging on pizza or something even worse. Cutting back on all these things is pretty wonderful--for me and for my pride in being able to do it--even for one day! I feel a lot better today--just achy all over--not sharp pain anywhere so far. Considering the amount of pain I have been experiencing, this is a huge improvement. I also started drinking a Vitamin Water that is sweetened with Stevia. Eliminating all sodas and drinking flavored water since I can't drink plain water without choking--I'm not kidding--I'm serious--has helped a lot too. I really need to hysdrate more and since I can't do [plain water, I used to drink the Stevia sodas, but they are better than Dr. Pepper, but still sodas. I need to up the "water" intake any way I can. I am putting a more in depth post on my personal blog describing the diet and listing the supplements I am taking and the rest. I am also reading as much inspirational reading and working on getting the budget, the bills and my 2010 taxes finally completed so I am not hopelessly behind on every thing. Being unable to have more than about 5 hours of quality work time this last round of the wheel of the year has taken a huge toll on me in a lot of ways. The stress is terrible and I am just lucky to be able to get bathed and dressed to do things around the house. I confess that it has been a lot worse than I have let on and I am hoping that the progress I am making will inspire you ladies as well. I am hoping that my goody box of natural pain remedies arrives today so I can get started on that part of the plan as well. Well--I have rambled on here for quite a while and probably bored some of you to sleep, but I am so happy to be able to take these stesp--however small and I plan on working this plan until I go back to being the shining, happy, beautiful me that I love and some of you got a chance to know and love. If you would, PLEASE send me good energy to help me keep with the plan and if I do fall off the healthy living wagon--please send me patience so I don't let my overly critical Virgo self just give up if I slip up. This diet is not anything in particular--just stuff I like and striving toward dairy and gluten free with the allowance of active culture yogurt.
9AM-Peach Yogurt sweetened with Stevia
11AM-Mixed Green Salad, tomato, onion, red pepper, Goddess Dressing; Salmon scrambled eggs with onions, peppers, mushrooms and garlic
1PM-Strawberry/Banana/Peach Vanilla Protein Smoothie with Vanilla low fat soy milk
3PM-Cherry Vanilla Yogurt sweetened with Stevia
5PM-1 slice gluten free cinnamon raisin bread-no peanut butter
7PM-1 slice gluten free cinnamon raisin bread-with 1 T. sugar free peanut butter

Vitamin Zero Lemonade--2-20 oz.; Coffee sweetened with Stevia and Organic coconut milk creamer -2- 16 oz cups
Monday and Tuesday Supplements-1 multiple vitamin, 1-Citrical D;1-Mag-Ox; 2-Vit B-12-1000mg; 2-Vit. D-400 IU; 2-Zafirlukast for asthma; 1 20 mg Fluoxetine (Prozac) for depression; 1-15 mg blood pressure med; 1-Tumerica capsule; 1 Rhodiola energy capsule; 1-Super Thistlyn; 2 Omega-3 fish oils capsule-1000mg

9AM-2 thin slices of gluten free cinnamon raisin bread-with 1 T. sugar free peanut butter
11AM- 6 ounces-Strawberry/Banana/Peach Vanilla Protein Smoothie with Vanilla low fat soy milk
1 PM-Mixed Green Salad, tomato, onion, red pepper, Goddess Dressing; Salmon scrambled eggs with onions, peppers, mushrooms and garlic
3PM- Cherry Vanilla Yogurt sweetened with Stevia

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